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谷歌将投资5亿美元用于Moto X定制手机营销

作者:佚名  来源:元器件交易网   更新:2013-7-12 6:08:33  点击:  切换到繁體中文


元器件交易网讯 7月11日消息,据《华尔街日报》报道,谷歌将投资5亿美元用于Moto X定制手机营销。

元器件交易网讯 7月11日消息,据《华尔街日报》报道,谷歌将投资5亿美元用于Moto X定制手机营销。


自摩托罗拉RAZR没落以来,摩托罗拉仍有很大一部分运营商在美国。 现在谷歌插手摩托罗拉事务,营销资本将强制用来恢复摩托罗拉在美国的知名度。

科技网站vr-zone认为,而摩托罗拉过去的产品(即原来的RAZR) ,Moto X 的出现只是平衡安卓手机的定制产品。无论如何,现在谷歌掌舵,摩托罗拉的品牌将会频繁出现在报纸广告上,但是希望其设计师和策划者继续把注意力放在如何开发出好的产品。下面的广告确实很大,但装备未必就是上等。

(元器件交易网董蕾 译)

(元器件交易网董蕾 译)


Motorola mobile by itself probably won"t have the cash to spend on a huge marketing campaign, but it"s not by itself anymore. The now Google-backed (or owned if you want to be specific) Motorola mobile division is getting ready to launch its Moto X phone with the help of a healthy donation from Google marketing.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the creator of Android will pour $500 million (USD) into marketing the "customizable" and "assembled-in-the-USA" Moto X. Major US carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint have all signed up to be a part of the Moto X hype, and will begin distributing the handset later this year.

Motorola, although still a big part of some carriers in the US, has fallen off since the days of the original RAZR. Now that Google has its hands in Motorola matters, the marketing dollars will forcibly try to rejuvenate the Motorola brand into the consciousness of Americans.

While Motorola"s past products (ie, the original RAZR) were truly refreshing and cool, the Moto X appears to be just another average Android handset with some gimmicky customization offerings. Regardless, the Motorola brand will be appearing more often in newspaper ads now that Google is at the helm, but hopefully its designer and engineers still care about making real big boy toys. The ad below is big, but the gear probably won"t be as classy.


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