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作者:陈淏轩 文章来源:iPhone中文网 点击数 更新时间:2015-11-5 14:37:39 文章录入:贯通日本语 责任编辑:贯通日本语 |
Jonathan Mann是一个音乐家和作词人,一个果粉,他每天创作一首歌曲,至今已经连续六年。 你也许曾经听过他创作的那首iPhone天线歌曲,内容就是讲述iPhone的天线门事件。此外在iPhone 4s推出后不久他也曾经为Siri进行了创作。 iOS用户请点击这里 观看 今天他又一次带着一首全新的作品回来了,这首歌听起来朗朗上口也很悦耳,更值得注意的是这首歌毫无意义的歌词是使用iPhone 6中iOS 8输入法的自动补全功能(QuickType)完成的。 以下是歌词: The fact I can get it right away With the best of the year and the best of the year And the other hand is the only thing that would have to go back And the other hand is the only thing that would have to go back And the best way of saying The best thing about it And it was not the only one of my life And death in the morning to all the way you want A boyfriend is so good to be a good day for A few weeks ago I have a lot more Than one of my life and the best thing to me That I have no clue who they are the same As I am so glad to see my life And the only one who has been the most important Thing is the only thing that could have a great way To the best of the best part is that it would mean The absolute world to me and my life I love you so much for me And the other side of the year Of my favorite part of the best of luck With the same thing to say I have a great day For the best thing to me that the best thing ever When you are the same thing to say I have a good time With the same thing As the only thing That I can get The same As a result of the day I’m at work on my iPhone Is not the best of all time favorite Song by them in a statement Issued after a few weeks And the best way of saying the government Of national unity government In exile and a few years ago When the best way of saying That it would mean the world And I don’t have a lot more fun If it is the only thing That would have a great way To the point where the best way Of saying the government of a sudden it won’t Let me get my nails done And over And I don’t have a lot more to come out and about to get The hang of it all day today I am a huge fan of you Are so cute When he said the government has said
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