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元器件交易网讯 7月12日消息,据外媒allthingsd报道,7月12日和13日这两天,百思买将举办以旧换新优惠活动,顾客可以拿自己的iPad 2或者3G iPad在网上或者任何一家店去兑换,同时可以得到一张200美元的优惠券。在某些情况下,也可得到一张高于200美元优惠券,不过这要依据iPad型号和自身条件来定。


百思买称,此举是基于上个月iPhone以旧换新活动的成功上。尽管百思买没有透露将有多少人会参与此活动,但该公司称已经得到一个强有力的回应。(元器件交易网董蕾 译)


If you"re looking to offload an old iPad and want to make some money in the process, this weekend might be a good time to do it.

Friday and Saturday, Best Buy is holding a trade-in event where customers can bring in their old, working iPad 2 or third-generation iPad and receive a $200 gift card that they can use toward any in-store or online purchase. In some cases, the amount may be more than $200, depending on the model and condition of the iPad.

All trade-ins must be made at one of Best Buy"s retail store locations, and the company will recycle all tablets.

Best Buy said it decided to launch this promotion based on the success of its iPhone trade-in event last month. Though Best Buy wouldn"t disclose how many people participated in the program, the company said there was an “overwhelming response” and that its initial June 1 event was the single biggest day for its trade-in business.

When asked if the company would offer similar trade-in opportunities for other products, like the Samsung Galaxy Tab series, a Best Buy spokeswoman said she couldn"t speculate on future promotions, but that the company is always looking for ways to better serve their customers. So, you"re saying there"s a chance …

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